Renegade Insurance businesses provide comprehensive insurance solutions and offer a wide range of tailored policies for individuals and businesses (“Renegade Insurance Business(es)”). The franchisor currently offesr six types of Renegade Insurance Businesses: a Renegade Insurance Business operated from a retail location (“Retail Agency”); a Renegade Insurance Business operated from a retail location that manages its own service operations (“Retail Agency; Self-Service”); a Renegade Insurance Businesses operated from a professional office space (“Office Agency”); a Renegade Insurance Businesses operated from a professional office space that manages its own service operations (“Office Agency; Self-Service”), a Renegade Insurance Businesses operated from a professional office space under an alternative royalty structure (“Enhanced Office Agency”), and a Renegade Insurance Businesses operated from a professional office space under an alternative fee structure and that manages its own service operations (“Enhanced Office Agency; Self-Service”).
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